Creamy Ricotta Pesto and Tuna Pasta

Heart outline Heart 23 people Clock graphic 25 Min Cutlery circle Serves 1

This is easiest to make in a mini food processor but you can still make it without 


To Serve:

  • Extra basil leaves, to garnish 

Step 1

Cook the broccoli in a large pan of boiling water for a couple of minutes until just tender then lift out with a slotted spoon into a mini food processor (if using). 

Step 2

Add the pasta to the pan of boiling water and cook until al dente 

Step 3

Meanwhile, add a spoonful of the cooking water to the food processor with the broccoli and spoon in the ricotta, pesto and parmesan cheese. Blitz for a few seconds to make a whipped creamy sauce. If you don’t have a mini food processor, chop the broccoli very finely then add to a bowl with the other ingredients and beat well to make a creamy sauce 

Step 4

When the pasta is ready, drain (but reserve a few spoonfuls of the starchy water) then tip back into the pan with the cherry tomatoes 

Step 5

Add the tuna and a little black pepper and stir through the ricotta/pesto sauce, along with a spoonful of the pasta cooking water. Warm through gently over the lowest heat. 

Step 6

Serve in a bowl with extra basil leaves on top for garnish if you like 


If you don’t have any ricotta, you could use low fat cream cheese instead

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